Our commitment

Origin of Juniper Needles: 100% South Tyrol, Vizze Valley, 1.500 m a.m.s.l., personally selected by Kornelia Schwitzer.
Product design by Kornelia Schwitzer, according to Paracelsus theories.

Compared to the Mediterranean Juniper, the Alpine one gives off a more intense scent when burned.
According to the “Doctrine of Signatures”, the pointed shape of the juniper needles is the evidence of their protective power.
Paracelsus himself was a firm believer that fumigations with juniper needles can keep evil spirits away and protect against diseases.
For this very reason, the plant has always been used for home fumigation rituals.

All over the world, juniper is a symbol of strength and has always been considered a very powerful tree. Indeed, its disinfectant effect is scientifically recognized.

Each SilberQuarzit® Experiences Ritual begins with the fumigation of the three main components of the SilberQuarzit® incense.

SilberQuarzit® Incense Alpine Juniper Needles contains:

100% Juniper Needles from Vizze Valley
It does not contain:
Perfumes, dyes and preservatives
Raw materials of animal origin

To take advantage of all the olfactory potential of SilberQuarzit® Incense Alpine Resins, we recommend placing them on hot coal.


Light a Charcoal Incense Tablet and wait for it to turn greyish.
Place the Incense Alpine Juniper Needles on the charcoal and spread the healthy smoke in the air, helping yourself out with a feather or with your hands.
Before adding new needles, remove the combustion residues.

Combined use with one of the four SilberQuarzit® flower essences is recommended.

Note: SilberQuarzit® recommends extreme caution while handling hot coal.
We recommend using a fire-resistant base, such as SilberQuarzit® Smoking Plate.
At the end of each ritual, make sure the coal is extinguished, it may, in fact, remain hot in the inside for up to 8 hours. If so, we suggest using water.
It is not recommended to carry out an outdoor fumigation, since the wind could blow off the healthy effect and, among other risks, increase the risk of fires.

All SilberQuarzit® products are conceived according to the dictates of Traditional European Medicine and are made from wild South-Tyrolean raw materials, selected in nature and scientifically certified. Only Lavender comes from crops located in the Marche.

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